Who We Are
The British Toymakers Guild is a Guild in the old sense. We represent and encourage the highest standards of craftsmanship and design. All our members are at the top of their field, making imaginative, high quality, hand made toys. We invite you to explore the work of our members through these pages. You will be amazed at their extraordinary imagination and skill.
Our skilled members are able to repair and restore wooden toys, dolls, and teddy bears. Please email your toy repair to info@toymakersguild.co.uk along with a photo and we will forward your request onto our members who will be in touch directly to assist.
If you are tired of mass produced, merchandised plastic tat, you will find a refreshing change of view at the British Toymakers Guild. Guild members bring real values back into children's playthings - the quality of natural materials, different textures, subtle colours, sounds, stimulating imagination, encouraging story making. In short playability has been brought back into children's toys.